How might StarkNet provide high-throughput high-integrity data availability? (validium/volition)

We discussed several DA solutions in the past, I’ll briefly describe a few of them to give a flavor of how DA could look like on StarkNet.

  • Permissionless DA Providers: In this approach, every contract will specify his “DA service”. Every change to this contract’s off-chain storage must be accompanied by a signature from that service (enforced at the OS level). The improvement over the naive DAC is that anyone can serve as a DA service for any contract. There are some issues to note here

    • The state commitment must be designed in a way that a change in one contract’s off-chain storage does not hurt other unrelated contracts. One way to achieve this would be to always publish the off-chain storage root for every contract (just the root).
    • It might not be enough to know my contract’s storage, e.g. my balances are usually kept in different ERC20 contracts. If the data of those contracts is lost, then it clearly affects other entities as well. One way to mitigate this could be to add a field to a transaction of “allowed DA services”, which is only allowed to interact with contracts whose data provider is included in the given list of trusted-providers.
    • What happens if the data provider does not provide a timely signature? This could be a potential dos on the system. One way to mitigate this could be to require that any DA service will lock some funds. If the signature was not provided the sequencer will just fallback to the naive approach, i.e. send the diff as calldata to L1, and cover the expenses from the data provider deposit. One might want to allow the sequencer to only partially cover the expenses, in order to make it unprofitable for a sequencer to not include a given signature in an attempt to hurt the data provider.
  • Global stake: A weighted signature of at least P percent of some token holders must be provided in order to produce a valid proof, e.g. if we have 100 T tokens and P=0.2, and Alice and Bob have 15, 10 tokens correspondingly, then a signature from Alice and Bob would suffice. The semantics of signing is that you agree that the data for the next state is available. Note that this is not punishable, and there’s a risk of token holders carelessly signing on a dishonest next state (dishonest in the sense that the data for it was not made available to the network). I’m ignoring more considerations here, e.g. the possible locking of the voters tokens for some duration.

  • Relying on the consensus of a different L1: Instead of posting the data to Ethereum, we could post it elsewhere, e.g. in an L1 which focuses on data availability like Celestia. The challenges of this approach are twofold. First, you need some way to reach consensus on data availability, which is far from straightforward (we need to be able to agree that all the data up to state S is available to the network, unfortunately there is no concise data availability argument). The second challenge is to bridge this consensus to Ethereum. The motivation here is to be able to verify this in our StarkNet contract, that is, whenever a valid proof is seen for the transition S → S’, we also expect to receive some witness/proof of the fact that out data availability layer has reached consensus that the data for S’ is available.

Note that the question we’re handling here is orthogonal to the technical design of Volition, namely, how would one define off-chain/on-chain storage inside a contract. This can be available before a DA solution, i.e. anyone will be able to define (cheaper) storage which does not reach L1, however until some guarantees are provided along the lines of the above, using this storage is completely at the risk of the user (when we’re the only sequencer, we can obviously store it for less than L1 call data fee, however in the multi sequencer phase, using such trusted storage is prone to attacks, as anyone can update your storage and refuse to share the new values).