Dear @matteo thanks for the additional food for thought.
I was only referring to the prover resource.
I also think it’s best to have users pay the market price. Beyond that I am undecided on whether provers should usually be paid market price, or constantly overpaid. I briefly touched on this in the buffer problem post (including simplified 1559-type mechanism). There is also the factual matter of actual proving costs in relation to the remaining operation costs of the protocol.
As far as the token goes, I agree the ability to control monetary policy is a powerful argument in favor of a native token.
We have toyed around with the idea of a “universal proving layer”. Perhaps this is a somewhat premature discussion, but let us at least distinguish between proving as an off-chain service and an actual protocol that explicitly involves designated “provers” and possibly enforces on-chain logic. I haven’t given much thought as to when and why the latter is necessary. Do you have any further thoughts?