- Project name: Cartridge
- Project description: Cartridge is building autonomous worlds and gaming infrastructure on Starknet.
- Website: cartridge.gg
- GitHub: https://github.com/cartridge-gg/cartridge (Additional repos below)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/cartridge_gg
- Contact email / Telegram / Twitter: tarrence@cartridge.gg, https://t.me/tarrencev, https://twitter.com/tarrenceva
- Team size: 5 full-time, 1 contractors
Ecosystem Contributions:
- Developed an innovation solution for transaction authorization on Starknet using webauthn which we have provided to the ecosystem as a public good. WebAuthn on Starknet
- Provided free RPC nodes for over a year to the community to use.
- Developed several open source libraries, including providing Dojo, an engine for building onchain games and caigo, a golang library for interacting with Starknet.
- Hosted several Starknet events (Starknet Gaming in NYC / StarkSF).
Deployed contracts (at same address / hashes on testnet / mainnet):
- Deployer Account
- Plugin Account Class Hash
- WebAuth Transaction Verifier Plugin
- Cartridge Avatar NFT
- NFF Player NFT
- https://github.com/cartridge-gg/cartridge
- https://github.com/cartridge-gg/starknet-indexer
- https://github.com/cartridge-gg/cairo-webauthn
- https://github.com/cartridge-gg/cairo-sha256
- https://github.com/cartridge-gg/cairo-base64
Funded + contributed significant development resources to: