SNIP: Access Control for Function Call Delegation

title: Access Control for Function Call Delegation
description: This SNIP aims to introduce access control standards to allow linking wallets together and performing actions on behalf of another wallet.
author: Jordan Bettencourt, Jack Xu
type: Standards Track
category: Core
created: 2024-10-02


This SNIP aims to introduce access control standards to allow linking wallets together, permitting an external wallet to perform specified smart contract actions on behalf of a primary wallet, with varying levels of restriction.


When interacting with a wide variety of smart contracts, most users do not independently review smart contract code and can inadvertently approve access to valuables in their primary wallet. In addition, there are instances where a simple mistake occurs and tokens could be spent, let alone cases in which smart contracts maliciously intend to deceive a user. Without consistently reviewing third-party code and fully understanding what actions are occurring within each transaction, the only option to safeguard valuables in a primary wallet is to use an external, relatively empty account for smart contract interaction. Users can use this external delegate wallet to protect their privacy and limit exposure, safeguarding valuables in their primary vault wallet.


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


use starknet::ContractAddress;
use starknet_function_permit::permit_struct::{Permit, PermitSignature};

pub trait IFunctionPermit<TContractState> {
    fn get_permit_hash(self: @TContractState, permit: Permit) -> felt252;

    fn is_valid_permit(
        self: @TContractState,
        src5_selector: felt252,
        params: Span<felt252>,
        operator: ContractAddress,
        permit_data_index: u32,
        permit: Permit,
        permit_signature: PermitSignature,
    ) -> felt252;

pub trait ISRC6<TState> {
    fn is_valid_signature(self: @TState, hash: felt252, signature: Array<felt252>) -> felt252;

pub mod FunctionPermitConstants {
    pub const SRC_PERMIT_MAGIC_VALUE: felt252 = selector!("SRC_PERMIT_MAGIC_VALUE");
use starknet::{ContractAddress};
use starknet_function_permit::permit_sample_impl::{HashFelt252Span, HashPermitDataSpan};

#[derive(Drop, Serde, Copy, Hash)]
pub struct Permit {
    pub src_permit_magic_value: felt252,
    pub nonce: felt252,
    pub data: Span<PermitData>,

#[derive(Drop, Serde, Copy, Hash)]
pub struct PermitData {
    pub src5_selector: felt252,
    pub params: Span<felt252>,
    pub operator: ContractAddress,
    pub valid_from: u64,
    pub valid_until: u64,

#[derive(Drop, Serde)]
pub struct PermitSignature {
    pub from: ContractAddress,
    pub signature: Array<felt252>,

Behavior Specification

A SNIP-XX-compliant Permit MUST contain:

  • src_permit_magic_value for validation.
  • nonce for distinguishing between permit calls.
  • data containing all PermitData entries.
  • A valid hash implementation (see implementation for example using poseidon).

A SNIP-XX-compliant PermitData MUST contain:

  • src5_selector to restrict the permit to a specific function call, or the SRC_PERMIT_DELEGATE_ALL_FUNCTIONS wildcard to permit all functions within a contract.
  • params to restrict the function params that a permitted wallet can submit in a function call, or the SRC_PERMIT_DELEGATE_ALL_PARAMS wildcard to permit usage of any params in a function call.
  • operator to restrict the permitted wallet address.
  • valid_from to restrict a permit’s start timestamp.
  • valid_until to restrict a permit’s end timestamp.
  • A valid hash implementation (see implementation for example).

A SNIP-XX-compliant contract MUST:

  • Implement get_permit_hash as defined.
  • Implement is_valid_permit as defined.

is_valid_permit should return SRC_PERMIT_MAGIC_VALUE if a Permit at the provided permit_data_index meets the following criteria:

Permit-specific criteria:

  • The current block timestamp falls between and
  • operator strictly equals
  • src5_selector strictly equals OR strictly equals the SRC_PERMIT_DELEGATE_ALL_FUNCTIONS wildcard constant.
  • params strictly equals OR is of length 1 AND contains a value strictly equal to the SRC_PERMIT_DELEGATE_ALL_PARAMS wildcard constant.
  • permit.src_permit_magic_value strictly equals the SRC_PERMIT_MAGIC_VALUE constant.

is_valid_permit should throw PERMIT_VALIDATION_ERROR if any of the above criteria is not met.

Signature-specific criteria:

  • permit_signature is a valid signature of the generated hash of the provided permit.

is_valid_permit should throw PERMIT_SIGNATURE_ERROR if the above criterion is not met.


The requirements for validating the permit are designed to ensure secure and flexible function call delegation. Here’s the rationale behind each requirement:

  • Timestamp validation: Ensures permits have a limited lifespan, reducing the risk of unauthorized use if a permit is compromised.
  • Strict operator matching: Prevents unauthorized parties from using the permit, ensuring only the designated operator can execute the delegated function.
  • Function selector matching: Allows for precise control over which functions can be delegated, with the option to delegate all functions using a wildcard.
  • Parameter matching: Enables fine-grained control over the exact parameters that can be used in delegated calls, with a wildcard option for flexibility.
  • Magic value validation: Acts as a safeguard against accidental misuse and ensures that only properly formatted permits are processed.
  • Signature verification: Confirms that the permit was indeed created by the authorizing wallet, preventing forgery and unauthorized delegations.

These requirements strike a balance between security and flexibility, allowing users to delegate specific functions with precise control while maintaining the integrity of the delegation process.

Reference Implementation

use core::{hash::{Hash, HashStateTrait, HashStateExTrait}, poseidon::{poseidon_hash_span}};
use starknet_function_permit::{permit_struct::{Permit, PermitData}};

pub impl HashFelt252Span<S, +HashStateTrait<S>, +Drop<S>> of Hash<Span<felt252>, S> {
    fn update_state(state: S, value: Span<felt252>) -> S {

pub impl HashPermitDataSpan<S, +HashStateTrait<S>, +Drop<S>> of Hash<Span<PermitData>, S> {
    fn update_state(state: S, value: Span<PermitData>) -> S {
        let value_len = value.len();
        if value_len == 0 {
            return state;
        let mut i = 1;
        let mut state_new = state.update_with(*;
        loop {
            if i == value_len {
            state_new = state_new.update_with(*;

mod FunctionPermit {
    use starknet::{ContractAddress, get_block_timestamp};
    use core::{poseidon::{PoseidonTrait}};
    use starknet_function_permit::{
            FunctionPermitConstants, IFunctionPermit, ISRC6Dispatcher, ISRC6DispatcherTrait
    use super::{HashStateTrait, HashStateExTrait, Permit};

    struct Storage {}

    impl FunctionPermitImpl of IFunctionPermit<ContractState> {
        fn get_permit_hash(self: @ContractState, permit: Permit) -> felt252 {

        fn is_valid_permit(
            self: @ContractState,
            src5_selector: felt252,
            params: Span<felt252>,
            operator: ContractAddress,
            permit_data_index: u32,
            permit: Permit,
            permit_signature: PermitSignature,
        ) -> felt252 {
            let current_timestamp = get_block_timestamp();
            let data = *;
                FunctionPermitConstants::SRC_PERMIT_MAGIC_VALUE == permit.src_permit_magic_value
                    && (data.src5_selector == src5_selector
                        || data
                            .src5_selector == FunctionPermitConstants::SRC_PERMIT_DELEGATE_ALL_FUNCTIONS)
                    && (data.params == params
                        || (data.params.len() == 1
                            && *data
                                .at(0) == FunctionPermitConstants::SRC_PERMIT_DELEGATE_ALL_PARAMS))
                    && data.operator == operator
                    && data.valid_from <= current_timestamp
                    && data.valid_until > current_timestamp,
            let permit_hash = self.get_permit_hash(permit);
            let from_account = ISRC6Dispatcher { contract_address: permit_signature.from };
                from_account.is_valid_signature(permit_hash, permit_signature.signature) == 'VALID',

Security Considerations

Offchain Permit Revocations

Since permit digital signatures are generated off-chain with no on-chain state-keeping, permits cannot be revoked once signed. Signers should be aware of this and utilize valid_from and valid_until to restrict their permit use.

This is awesome, which particular SNIP is this tired to

First Draft - Access Control for Function Call Delegation by jbettenc · Pull Request #110 · starknet-io/SNIPs (

Any feedback is welcome, especially the reference implementation stuff regarding hashes, let me know if the code looks incorrect! The full repo is here: boyuanx/starknet-function-permit (

Timestamp validation and Signature verification are the two important cases that got my attention,

permits with a limited lifespan, reducing the risk of unauthorized use if a permit is compromised

“Confirms that the permit was indeed created by the authorizing wallet, preventing forgery and unauthorized delegations” am wondering how we are going to achieve this

The idea is that we will take the hash of the permit object (which contains all required Permit data, such as the selector, operator, timestamps, etc) and have the wallet creating the permit sign the hash, which will be provided as a parameter when a permit is being validated. Similar to regular signatures used throughout the different evm networks, this signature will only be valid if the authorizing wallet performs the signature on the unmodified, original Permit object.

So, for instance, if the permit object was modified after the authorizing wallet signs it (to escalate or modify permissions, modify timestamps, change the operator, etc), the permit signature will not be valid. These unauthorized delegations would be rejected from the is_valid_permit function. Similarly, another wallet could not forge a permit because the signature is required for validation, and only the authorizing wallet could generate this signature.

I’m not sure if this quite answers your question, so please let me know if I missed the point you were trying to make. Thanks for your feedback!