Upcoming Vote: Staking V2


This proposal upgrades Starknet Staking to v2 to enhance network security and decentralization. It introduces validator block attestation and increases validator commission to ensure validator reliability and improve economic incentives. As outlined in SNIP 28.


  • Q1 2025: Staking v2 deployment on testnet.
  • Q2 2025: Staking v2 deployment on Starknet mainnet.

Vote Details

A vote will be conducted to determine the approval or rejection of the following:

  1. Validator Block Attestation Validators will be required to attest to randomly selected blocks within each epoch. For more details, see the “Validator block attestation”.
  2. Validator Commission Increase: Validators will be able to commit to a maximum commission rate. For more details, see the “Validator Commission Increase”.

For more details see Staking on Straknet V2 - vote proposal

Proposed timeframe for vote

  • Test vote (5 days): March 10th-15th, 2025
  • Vote (10 days): March 20th-30th, 2025

Starknet governance hub

The vote will be held on the Governance hub where you can delegate or self delegate and cast your vote. Stakers can also participate in the vote see guidelines here.

This upgrade to Starknet Staking v2 is a major step toward strengthening decentralization and validator security.

  • Block attestation ensures validators are actively participating and securing the network.
  • Commission adjustments create a more sustainable economic model, encouraging reliable validators.

With testnet deployment in Q1 2025 and mainnet in Q2, this is a key milestone. The upcoming vote in March will determine its approval, definitely something validators and stakers should keep an eye on.

Hi @BoazStark , we couldn’t find the ongoing test vote for Staking V2 on governance site, is it public or internal?