[Proposal] Starknet Alpha v0.11.0

Starknet Builder’s Council voting report on alpha v0.11.0

Hi folks! The Builders’ Council has met and decided to vote FOR on the Mainnet upgrade to alpha v 0.11.0, with some remarks to improve the process and level of confidence in future release. We are extremely happy to be part of the first vote on Starknet Mainnet, and will strive to document and improve the process.


  • The Builders’ Council is an assembly of 17 builders selected by the Starknet foundation for their contribution to the Starknet ecosystem (Builders Council post).
  • The Builders’ Council holds 1.2Bn worth of voting power, representing 23% of the voting of the 1st phase of Starknet governance (First Phase of Governance post), delegated to this address: builderscouncil.starknet.eth.
  • Voting happens with a single majority vote among the 17 voters, according to the criteria below.

Voting method

  • Each member of the builder votes FOR/AGAINST/ABSTAIN on the following criteria, then gives a final vote (FOR/AGAINST/ABSTAIN) that counts for the final tally:
    • Stability: is the upgrade usable and stable enough in terms of usage, documentation and tooling?
    • Features: does this upgrade introduce interesting features that would enable new capabilities on Starknet? Are they sufficiently tested?
    • Security: Does this upgrade provide the sufficient guarantees that it will not introduce security risks to the Starknet network?

Voting results

  • Stability
    • FOR: 4
    • AGAINST: 10
    • ABSTAIN: 3
  • Features
    • FOR: 15
    • AGAINST: 2
    • ABSTAIN: 0
  • Security
    • FOR: 1
    • AGAINST: 1
    • ABSTAIN: 15
  • Final vote
    • FOR: 12
    • AGAINST: 2
    • ABSTAIN: 3

The Builders’ Council therefore votes FOR on the alpha v 0.11.0 upgrade to Mainnet.


The Builders’ Council is excited about the new features introduced by alpha v 0.11.0, particularly the possibility to deploy Cairo 1.0 contracts. We believe this upgrade to be a necessary and most needed step towards the advancement of the network. That being said, the Council would like to take this opportunity to point out some shortcomings. The testing period of 6 days is too short for the Council to fully understand and test out the upgrade, we would rather have two weeks to be more confident about our vote. Aside from this, the lack of documentation, code examples, references and explanation of the release made the process of testing and understanding it particularly challenging. We expect future releases to include code examples, ensuring libraries are up to date and functioning. This upgrade introduces Cairo 1.0 to Starknet but the documentation is lacking for everyone to try it out and test it extensively. The Builders’ Council will abstain from engaging its responsibility on the security of the upgrade if audit reports and security reports are not available, we choose to defer to StarkWare and their internal review process.

The Builder’s Council is willing to vote Yes on alpha v 0.11.0, noting it is fully backwards-compatible. We will expect a higher quality of deliverables and tests for alpha v 0.12.0.

Please find a list of proposed remediations below.

Action points

Issue Proposed remediation
Six days to test is too short Increase testing time to two weeks on Goerli and expand voting time accordingly.
Ensure integration is on par with testnet so builders can use it to test.
The Builders’ Council would like to have access to the integration environment to test the upgrade in advance
Testing is difficult due to tools not being updated on time Tools should be updated to support the testnet upgrade before promotion to Mainnet. For example: starknet-rs, pathfinder, starknet.js, etc.
Testing is difficult due to lack of documentation Next upgrade should include a clear documentation and list of testable use cases directly in the update documents.
It is challenging to properly assess the security implications of the upgrade If any audit has been done by StarkWare either internally or externally it should be documented and referenced in the update documents. While this is not possible, the Builder’s Council will abstain from voting on this point and will trust StarkWare’s expertise.
Changes should be better documented The fee address was changed and the Council members realized this while updating their systems. This should be more clearly communicated.
In GitHub - starknet-edu/deploy-cairo1-demo, GitHub - starkware-libs/cairo: Cairo is the first Turing-complete language for creating provable programs for general computation. is not tagged for the release.

Thank you very much for reading.

Strangely yours,

The Starknet Builders’ Council

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