Second (Third, Fourth, …) User Airdrop - Making Starknet Happen

I’m using Argent and Braavos, both give diffexprerience, Argent feels more modern, and Braavos feels more comfortable to safe money in terms of security.

Have you saw this, Eli? As an altvm and native account abstraction, Fuel is able to leverage great wallets like Rabby(.io) to interact with the chain, it could bring more users.

Good read!
Glad this is been talked about.

I am no expert in this, just sharing my thoughts


  • users dont care about the theory or literature review of blockchains.
  • users should be your priority.

To your post
You are sadly missing the point moody is making.
Users using your tech when it was slow and early doesn’t necessarily equate to chasing quick profits there was solana, base, blast, manta etc to chase the quick buck.
I also disagree with your allusion to memecoins except you believe strk is the memecoin.
They was no such opportunity on starknet to make those crazy (10 to 2000)xs.

moody is concerned about user growth, user sentiment and the prevailing narrative which would in turn will hurt the developers you seem to be prioritizing above users.

Saying things like “focus on building” doesn’t help the situation, and can only be akin to building temples without devotees to use them.

Like moody said, users will suffer worse ux for opportunities.

The provisions were flawed, it couldn’t even acknowledge repeated early users of their bridge.

Many users like me have abandoned both argent and braavos wallets despite the account abstraction breakthrough. Think about that!

not an E-beggar.

ser starknet stands with on-chain games and for the grants
we’re building quadratic funding on Starknet which is a public good project on Starknet it help the Starknet builders to build more cool dApps on Starknet

Several month ago, when I was transferring ETH on Binance, I would choose STARKNET, because the gas fee is much lower. Then a month later, I found that the time taken for a transfer becomes 12 hours on average. Then a month later, I found that I do not see STARTKET on the list of supported chain on Binance. That is the problem! Keep low gas fee, and maintain reasonable processing time!! If the user needs to wait more than 10 minutes to have their ETH transfer approved, then who will use it anyway?

Some Ideas for Improving Starknet Provisions Airdrop, Following @elibensasson X Post

1. Create more complex criteria to reward loyal users:

2. Implement a reward system based on:

  • TVL locked over time: Reward users who maintain a significant Total Value Locked (TVL) over a long period.
  • Diversity of protocols used: Reward users who interact with a variety of protocols (DeFi, gaming, NFT, etc.), encouraging diverse use of the Starknet ecosystem.
  • Loyalty: Reward users who are active on a regular basis (number of weeks of activity).

3. Bonus for vStark holders:

  • Provide additional rewards to users who hold vStark tokens, encouraging loyalty and engagement with the ecosystem.

4. Bonus for those who kept more than x% (TBD) of their previous airdrops (Ekubo, Nostra, ZkLend):

  • Reward users who retained the majority of their previous airdrop tokens, demonstrating their trust and long-term commitment to Starknet.

5. Penalty for those who quickly sold their previous airdrops:

  • Apply a penalty to users who rapidly sold their previous airdrop tokens, discouraging quick sell-off behavior and encouraging long-term retention.

6. Identify and exclude multi-accounts:

  • Exclude users with more than x (TBD) active addresses, as this could indicate abnormal activity or system abuse.

7. Allocate a portion of the airdrop to projects for redistribution:

  • Follow the example of LayerZero by giving a portion of the airdrop to the projects themselves, who can then redistribute these tokens to their users. Projects are often better positioned to identify genuine users and those who positively contribute to the ecosystem.

8. Limit the maximum allocation to five times the minimum allocation:

  • Ensure that the maximum token allocation a user can receive is not more than five times greater than the minimum allocation. This helps maintain fairness and prevents a significant imbalance in token distribution.

Summary of the proposal: These ideas aim to create a fairer and more thoughtful token distribution system, rewarding loyal and active users while discouraging opportunistic behavior. By directly involving projects in the token redistribution and setting limits on maximum allocations, it is possible to ensure better identification and reward of genuine contributors to the Starknet ecosystem.

Sir @elibensasson
Regarding your recent post on X.

my simple submission and hope would be that you want to turn durable users who believe your product into stakeholders while trying to correct the first provision if need be.

  • The answers lies in your strk / vstrk holders.

  • dig further:
    how many of them received / retained the provisions?
    how many of them did not receive provisions? why didn’t they? :thinking: (0.005eth cutoff, LP)

  • look at the metrics
    who were the early users? Are they still using the chain now when there is no hype? Did they receive provisions or not?

  • more engagement
    starknet id profile? starkfighter ?, Argent quest?, Bravoos journey?
    These two wallets created a lot of hype / marketing for your product.

I might be wrong.

make starknet community great again.