Starknet’s second vote is coming - Starknet Alpha v0.12.0

[UPDATE] Starknet v0.12.0 Upgrade Schedule

As mentioned in the post, the above was a suggested timeline for the v0.12.0 upgrade. As we enter integration period, a 16-day upgrade cycle would likely have a major upgrade falling during ETHCC and StarknetCC. This affects the developer communities ability to have ‘all hands on deck’ during a major Starknet mainnet upgrade.

To avoid this, the following revisions to the Starknet v0.12.0 upgrade periods were recommended by the StarkWare team and accepted by the Builder’s Council and Starknet Foundation. We are now bringing it to the community.

  • Frozen Integration - 6 days (and not 7)
  • Goerli - 7 Days total (and not 9)
  • After testnet deployment, before opening the vote - 1 Day (and not 3)
  • Vote period - 5 Days (same)
  • Freeze after vote, before deploying mainnet- 1 Day (Same)

Totaling to 13 days instead of 16 days total on Goerli + integration.
and 7 days instead of 9 days on Goerli before a mainnet deployment.

I’ve included an updated graphic to reflect the new schedule.

Keep in mind the testnet deployment remains live and testable during the vote period. Delegates + token holders are able to change their cast votes until the end of the 5 day voting period.

The community is working to ensure all relevant tooling is updated to support testing of the Starknet v0.12.0 upgrade. Would recommend reading the Starknet v0.12.1 spec posted in the community forum by @EvyatarO and watching the v0.12.0 community call as we approach Starknet’s Quantum Leap.

:point_right: :point_left:,