Starknet’s third vote is coming - Starknet Alpha v0.13.0

Starknet Alpha v0.13.0 timeline

We are excited to share that the next vote on Starknet protocol upgrade is just around the corner. Starknet Alpha v0.13.0 deployment schedule is as follows:

  • November 20th, 2023: Goerli Integration
  • December 12th, 2023: Goerli Testnet
  • December 13th, 2023: Sepolia Integration and Testnet
  • January 10th, 2024: Mainnet

Starknet Alpha v0.13.0 details

Starknet v0.13.0 focuses on 2 aspects: It lays the groundwork for a new transaction version, v3, and it will facilitate a significant reduction to transaction fees.

You can find more information in the Community Forum post Starknet v0.13.0: Support for Fee Payment in STRK, Reduced Transaction Fees and in the Starknet release notes.

Proposed timeframe for Starknet Alpha v0.13.0 vote

In order to have sufficient time to test this version on testnet and reach a knowledgeable decision about the version’s approval, we propose the following vote timeframe:

  1. Test voting period (3 days): The test vote’s duration, December 28-31, 2023
  2. Voting period (5 days): The vote’s duration, January 4-8, 2024
  3. Freeze period (1 day): The number of days between the vote’s conclusion and applying the decision on Mainnet, January 9th, 2024
  4. Deploy on Mainnet: January 10th, 2024

Introducing the Starknet Governance Hub

We are extremely excited to introduce the new Starknet Governance Hub, where the community propose, debate and vote on the direction of Starknet. The upcoming v0.13.0 vote and the delegation process will be performed on the Governance Hub. Here is a little sneak peek:

For more information about how to vote via the Hub, click this link.

For more information about how to delegate your voting power, click this link.

Delegation onboarding process

Existing delegates: If you have already created a delegate profile in the past, your profile is imported to the Starknet Governance Hub. All you need to do is go to the Governance Hub, connect your wallet, review and approve your profile.

Click this link for further instructions.

New delegates: If you want to become a Starknet delegate and you haven’t created a delegate profile yet, please create a new delegate profile directly through the Governance Hub by connecting your wallet and clicking the Create delegate profile button on the Delegates page. Click this link for further instructions.

If you have any questions feel free to respond to this post, or email

Deven Matthews
Starknet Governance Committee

The abuse of the Delegate Profile Thread by airdrop hunters led to over 1000 replies. The subsequent official use of the Governance Hub will resolve this complexity. We are eager to start the voting.

Thanks, Deven.

and track records on each profile will also help, most of these anon have 1-2 post through whole account, you know what i mean - it’s in fact easy to filter out

Hi @DevenMat ! Thanks for that, just want to point out three issues I came across:

  1. My delegate profile, although visible on KarmaHQ, was not imported automatically and I had to manually recreate it in the Starknet Governance Hub

  2. My username does not appear in the delegates list, instead it shows my Ethereum address

  3. Uploading an avatar in the user profile does not work

Uploading pfp also doesn’t work for us :confused:

  1. We’ve been working with a mix of data from Discourse and Karma, there were some issues with importing across multiple platforms. We finally have everything under one roof, so this should be the last time this issue arises. Unfortunately the best way to resolve is to manually review your profile, and if it did not appear, to manually recreate it on the Governance Hub.

  2. I see that you’ve added a custom name and it seems to be displaying correctly. Let me know if there is something else missing here.

  3. Looking into the Avatar issue.

Indeed my name is displaying in my Delegate profile but not on the main page or in the search bar which is annoying for delegates discovery

Thanks @sparenberg.eth for reminding about this. Same issues here!

Thanks for raising, seems to be exclusive to custom names. Will continue getting this and the pfp issue addressed.

so the next vote is on 01/04/2024?

Hello, may I ask about 0.13.0 version and STRK fees… Does the date of STRK fees activation depend on voting 3-8.01.24 or the new mechanism of fee payment will be activated at 10.01.24 exactly?

We are very exited to launch and I am definitely participating in governance vote.

UPDATE: The test vote has been launched earlier than announced and will run from noon UTC December 28, 2023 → noon UTC December 31, 2023. This is to give ample time to fix any integrations which may be uncovered by the test vote.

The test vote is currently live, try casting a vote through the portal!

How can I vote, or is this only an opportunity for a small circle of developers who have been allocated voting tokens?

Will it be on mainnet or testnet on the next vote date?

If you don’t have STRK tokens but would like to participate in the vote, please become a delegate first, the token holders will decide whether or not to give you the vote powers based on your profile, for delegation onboarding process please take a look: ,thank you

we can’t vote… we know nothing about further actions, will there be rescheduling of the 0.13.0 or not, will there be possibility to vote for community or not… just silence for the users… that’s not a good step to decentralisation(

We can participate in the

Signed up on the new hub, ready to go!

eching this. Its holiday season but we should fix this before going live.