Wallet Transaction Inspection

I would like to propose a wallet feature I always missed.

The Problem
Wallets does not provide an easy way to make sure what your tx is going to do if signed and executed. One needs to fully trust the dapp that transaction will actually do what dapp cailms it will do.

I would like wallets to provide an easy way to inspect effects of transaction simulation before accepting the transaction. Effects of transaction simulation might be presented in a similar way to transaction decoders like EthTx/StarkTx present historical transactions. More advanced automatic risk analysis based on transaction traces can also be thought of.

Since transaction simulation is now a standard feature of Starknet nodes it seems that implementation of proposed feature is a matter of connecting already existing functionalities.

Below you can see a demo of how such a feature might work. Transaction is initiated from Starkgate UI, modified ArgentX provides an Inspect button which opens modified StarkTx presentation of transaction simulation effects.