Let join to contribute on starknet

  1. Join the StarkWare community: The StarkWare community is a great place to get started with StarkNet. You can join the community by visiting the StarkWare website or following their social media channels. This will give you access to the latest updates, events, and resources related to StarkNet development.
  2. Explore the documentation: The StarkNet documentation provides detailed information on how to use the platform and develop smart contracts. You can learn about the architecture, APIs, and programming languages supported by StarkNet, and find examples of code and tutorials.
  3. Participate in hackathons and bounties: StarkWare often hosts hackathons and bounties to encourage developers to build on StarkNet. These events provide an opportunity to showcase your skills, collaborate with other developers, and win prizes.
  4. Contribute to open source projects: StarkNet is an open source project, and contributions from the community are welcome. You can find the StarkNet codebase on Github, where you can report issues, suggest improvements, and submit pull requests.
  5. Join the developer community: There are several online communities where you can connect with other developers working on StarkNet, such as Discord, Telegram, and Reddit. These communities are a great place to ask questions, share ideas, and get feedback on your projects.

Contributing to StarkNet requires a solid understanding of blockchain technology, programming, and cryptography. It also requires a willingness to learn, experiment, and collaborate with others. If you are passionate about Ethereum and the potential of Layer 2 scaling solutions, contributing to StarkNet could be a great way to make a meaningful impact on the ecosystem. :revolving_hearts: