Starknet next versions (v0.12.3, v0.13.0) and Sepolia testnet migration

In fact, I would like the processing speed to be improved, but I still need to wait for about a minute.

How to move to Sepolia, just need to replace PATHFINDER_ETHEREUM_API_URL on Sepolia or need to do more?

From the message I understand you’re using Pathfinder. If this is indeed the case, Pathfinder added support for Sepolia testnet in its latest release.

V0.13 will be the real game changer for L2

Moving forward as always, blessings to starknet,blessings to the team.

This is one of the best news so far. Please keep building. In the long term builders always win.

Hello Starknet Enthusiasts! :rocket:

Major upgrades are on the horizon with Starknet’s v0.12.3 and v0.13.0! Expect game-changing shifts, including feeder gateway deprecation and a new transaction type (V3) shaping the future.

While the community eagerly anticipates these updates, don’t miss the chance to explore Nimbora x Liquity, our innovative integration offering 0% interest borrowing directly from Starknet. Dive into a new era of DeFi at Nimbora x Liquity.

Exciting times await with Starknet, and Nimbora is your gateway to the forefront of decentralized finance! :globe_with_meridians::lock: #Nimbora #StarknetUpgrade

These files are very easy for programmers. These files are very difficult for people who lack processing knowledge.

How do i know that i have upgraded successfully? :100: where can i check this?

Can you be more specific, please? Upgraded to what?

Let’s build the best version of starknet…LFG :rocket:

its so
cool!go to the moon

is there a bridge to starknet sepolia from sepolia mainnet

There is no StarkGate UI yet, but please use this guide if you want to bridge funds by interacting directly with the StarkGate contract.

Both Juno and Papyrus are in production, implement the Starknet specs, and can be used to run a full node instance.
Your other questions are not relevant to the next Starknet version, v0.13.

I really appreciate the effort that dev team provide in develope an even better chain
My congrats :clap: