STRK as Network fee

Hey Starknet Community! I’ve been thinking about the potential synergy between $STRK and the Starknet ecosystem. Integrating $STRK could inject a new level of dynamism into our decentralized space, offering unique advantages that align perfectly with Starknet’s goals. Massive applause to the brilliant minds behind $STRK for their innovative strides in the crypto realm. Picture the possibilities: heightened scalability, enriched smart contract functionalities, and seamless interoperability. This collaboration has the power to propel Starknet to new heights.

Not sure if this is the way, but definitely want as much utility for STRK as possible, including liquid and/or restaking. You need Utility to preserve value and prevent folks from dumping.

Hey there!

I completely agree with you. The integration of $STRK into the Starknet ecosystem has the potential to revolutionize our decentralized space. The unique advantages that $STRK brings align perfectly with Starknet’s goals and can truly inject a new level of dynamism.

The brilliant minds behind $STRK have made innovative strides in the crypto realm, and this collaboration has the power to drive Starknet to new heights. With heightened scalability, enriched smart contract functionalities, and seamless interoperability, the possibilities are endless.

I’m excited to see what the future holds for Starknet with this integration. Let’s continue pushing the boundaries and unlock the full potential of decentralized technologies!

Cheers to the Starknet community and the team behind $STRK for their remarkable efforts! :slightly_smiling_face:

Let me ask an interesting question, will NFTs be priced based on strk or eth in the future?