A question from me

How can we ensure that diverse perspectives and voices are represented in the discussions on StarkNet’s governance proposals?


To ensure that diverse perspectives and voices are represented in the discussions on StarkNet’s governance proposals, several actions can be taken:

  1. Encourage participation: The forum moderators can actively encourage members from diverse backgrounds to participate in discussions by reaching out to different communities and stakeholders.

  2. Promote inclusivity and respect: The moderators can promote an inclusive and respectful environment where members feel comfortable sharing their perspectives, and where others listen and engage with those perspectives in a respectful manner.

  3. Provide translation support: The moderators can provide support for translation of forum discussions, so that members who may not be fluent in English can participate in the discussions.

  4. Host town hall meetings: The moderators can host town hall meetings where members can discuss proposals in a more interactive and inclusive environment.

  5. Conduct regular surveys: The moderators can conduct regular


I appreciate your response and agree with the actions you suggested to ensure diverse perspectives and voices are represented in discussions on StarkNet’s governance proposals. Encouraging participation, promoting inclusivity and respect, providing translation support, hosting town hall meetings, and conducting regular surveys are all great ways to achieve this goal. By implementing these actions, we can create a more engaged and inclusive community that represents a wide range of perspectives and voices.
Best Regards @VIP