Rebuilding Trust with a New StarkNet Airdrop Strategy

In light of the recent challenges faced during the StarkNet airdrop, which unfortunately led to dissatisfaction and a decline in user engagement within the ecosystem, I propose a revitalized approach to re-engage our community and restore confidence.


The previous StarkNet airdrop encountered significant issues that affected the community’s perception and participation. These problems led to many users departing from the ecosystem leaving us with :8ball: users.

Rebuilding Trust with a New StarkNet Airdrop Strategy

In light of the recent challenges faced during the StarkNet airdrop, which unfortunately led to dissatisfaction and a decline in user engagement within the ecosystem, I propose a revitalized approach to re-engage our community and restore confidence.

Background: The previous StarkNet airdrop encountered significant issues that affected the community’s perception and participation. These problems led to many users departing from the ecosystem, looking for stability and reliability that were perceived as lacking.

Proposed Airdrop Using a New Unlock System:

To address these issues and incentivize users to rejoin and continue supporting the StarkNet ecosystem, I propose a new airdrop mechanism integrated with a sophisticated contract. This system will not only distribute tokens but will also encourage long-term engagement and investment in the ecosystem.

Key Features of the Proposed Airdrop:

  1. Unlock Contract Integration:
  • Users will receive airdropped Strk and Eth which will unlock after 6 months within a specially designed smart contract on StarkNet.
  • This contract will manage and store Stark, Eth and potentially other tokens with a clear and user-friendly unlock schedule.
  1. Engagement Through Utility:
  • Unlike traditional airdrops, users can actively use their airdropped tokens, from day 1 (meaning its still locked) within the StarkNet ecosystem to purchase other tokens (which will stay on the contract) or pay for gas fees. This utility ensures that tokens are more than just a passive reward — they are a means to explore and grow within the platform.
  1. Resetting Lock Through Activity:
  • When a user utilizes their airdropped tokens to acquire new tokens, the unlock period for these new tokens will automatically reset to 6 months (reset for that specific token, meaning that, for example, a user doesn’t interact with Strk but with Eth, the Strk unlock period wouldn’t change but the Eth would). This mechanism encourages ongoing interaction with the ecosystem and gradual integration of users into various services and offerings available on StarkNet.
  1. Secure and Gradual Withdrawal:
  • Post-unlock, users can securely withdraw their tokens to their personal wallets, providing them with full control over their assets after they have engaged with the ecosystem over the lock period.


  • Restores Trust: By addressing the shortcomings of the previous airdrop and providing a clear, user-centric approach.
  • Encourages Long-Term Engagement: Ensures that users are invested in the ecosystem for a longer period, enhancing stability and growth.
  • Promotes Active Participation: Encourages users to explore and use their tokens within the ecosystem, increasing transaction volume and liquidity.
  • Builds a Resilient User Base: Attracts and retains users who are genuinely interested in the development and success of the StarkNet platform.


This new airdrop strategy is designed to rebuild trust and provide tangible benefits to our community. By leveraging a robust unlock system, we can ensure that the StarkNet ecosystem not only recovers but thrives, with an active and committed user base dedicated to its long-term success.
Let’s focus on community. After all we can have the best piece of art but if it sits in a closet no one appreciates it.