


There are several reasons why creating a Chinese subforum may not be necessary. Firstly, there are already many Chinese users who are active on the existing English forum, indicating that language barriers are not a significant issue. Secondly, creating a separate subforum may lead to fragmentation of the community and hinder cross-cultural communication and understanding. Lastly, it may require additional resources and moderation to maintain a separate subforum, which may not be feasible for the platform at this time. Overall, while accommodating Chinese users is important, creating a separate subforum may not be the best solution.


I have to admit that the Chinese community is an indispensable market in the world, and no project can ignore it. However, we must face the reality that many, many Chinese users cannot skillfully read and understand English. Therefore, it is very necessary and important to establish a Chinese community that can communicate in Chinese.


Great to see more ppl discuss this topic here,I mostly agree with you.And there is already a old topic talking about this too.
你好 我们已经在另外一个话题里讨论了这种提案的可能性和必要性



The Chinese community is an important area for cryptocurrency, with not only a large number of projects and users, but also a good atmosphere and positive factors suitable for the development of blockchain projects. Increasing attention and marketing to the Chinese community is crucial to the development of Starknet. Therefore, I believe that setting up a dedicated Chinese community is a very friendly strategy for Chinese users who are not very good at English, and it is conducive to the development of the project in the Chinese market.


Based on China’s huge population, there are also many encryption and web3 users. I think it is necessary to open a Chinese forum to guide users to participate in starknet governance.


The Chinese community is a significant player in the web 3 world. However, it differs from other parts of the community in terms of language and cultural literature. These differences can pose unique challenges that require specific approaches to address.
So,I Support you guys!


If we create a Chinese subforum, the other country will want to create their subforum too, which will be chaos.

I don’t think there is a need to set up a Chinese language community. The project is still in its early stages and it makes little sense to set up communities in other national languages.

wo can use google translater to discuss, i think it is not a good ideal to create a chinese community, because other country will also apply their community.

I think what you said makes sense, it is good for internationalization and getting more users

