Delegate Profile Thread

Ethereum Mainnet Address: 0x889f585eC85C7b8C7c39736219AbC99C8915a141
ENS: yaman.eth
Starknet Adress: 0x042124287C3852996Daa948FFDE69E461Fe0D5ddCa3bac7539ed38E3d4910d12

Summary: Focused on Long Term Goals and Empowering Local Communities

Hello, I’m Yaman, a passionate contributor dedicated to creating impactful projects for our community.


Since May '22, I’ve been an active part of StarkNet. I’m also the founder of, one of the leading blockchain community in Turkey initiated at my university. Additionally, I’ve served as a Teaching Assistant for a Blockchain Development course at my university Boğaziçi University I graduated.

With a background in social sciences, I’ve been delving into web3 since 2017, keenly observing its evolution and focusing on the fusion of social sciences and web3. I value StarkNet’s understanding of building a true community and plan to make decisions favoring long-term benefits for this robust community, including technological ones.

My Contributions:

Projects on Starknet:

We became a finalist at OnlyDust Hacker House with, a trustless raffle platform. Launched the first StarkNet project on mainnet from Turkiye.

Currently I am developing a game at Dojo (started at pragma hackaton) and interested in community good projects on StarkNet. We fostered collaboration with various projects within the ecosystem with our starknet onboarding NFT project awarded with Early Adopter Grants.

Why Consider Me:

My commitment is to uphold fair governance and boost local communities. I’m also drafting guidelines to help communities ensure transparent and balanced governance.

My efforts in creating the StarkNet Local Community in Turkey have reached over 300 individuals through various events, inspiring many projects and developers to contribute to StarkNet.

My Understanding of Tech:

While I have not a background at cmpe but, I’ve been following the evolution of web3 since 2017, constantly learning and growing in this field. So, before any vote, I critically search for all options and deliberations of experts and give my decision which fits for long term goals and expert options. My academic background in social sciences helps me focus on the confluence of this discipline with web3, which is governance.

Other Blockchains and DAOs?

My dedication is solely towards StarkNet. I also following other L1’s since understand their deliberations which helps me decide better for Starknet.

Potential Conflicts of Interest:

In any situation where there may be a conflict of interest, I pledge to be transparent and disclose such conflicts via my social media channels. I was previously involved in projects such as an NFT project on StarkNet ( and a game called If a conflict arises, I will refrain from voting.

Vision for StarkNet:
I support long term goals and people who have long term goals. Starknet knows how to build community and tech, so I just want to amplify it and keep the starknet strange.