Who is an early user? | Who should be considered early users? | Does filtering users really make sense in going decentralization? | Are there alternatives to include early users without excluding retail users.
People believe the reward should be split into several components: Starknet wallets, Ethereum wallets, and past and future activities.
Activities like:
Making use of the Starknet bridge (since it is still really an alpha version and there is a risk of losing money, accordingly, people who risk their own money for the benefit of alpha testing of the product should get an airdrop)
More than three transactions on various days or weeks over the Starknet network (such a selection criterion will eliminate many Sybils, since few of them perform repetitive actions on the network, since this requires money to pay for gas)
Snap a photo of someone who has more tokens or money on their network balance than a specific number. Since many people cannot afford to store the majority of the money, stablecoins must also be taken into consideration.
Regular users who used starkware product on regularly basis.
With recent incentives for its mainnet users from different blockchain like airbitrum, optimism etc people barely get incentivised for using testnet.
They are the peoples who test the product way before a community is built. And Testnet users get excluded regardless of their important contributions.
Previous experiences from APTOS which did not filter users based on usage and instead directly incentivised its users is now most used blockchain.
So filtering doesn’t make sense, it give a chance for bad actors to play cleverly.
Those users who signed up for STARKWARE early on ought to be given greater space. Utilizing testnet and dev should be a multiplier, not a qualification requirement. Utilizing STARKex products is the basic requirement, to put it simply. You should give StarkEx + testnet + devnet + staking some multiplier. Therefore, TESTNET+DEVNET should never be used as a criterion for eligibility; rather, it should only be used as a multiplier.
To build decentralization we gotta improve distribution mechanism instead of making filtering users mechanism.